Miracles Beyond
Несъмнено Intelligent Music Project се откроява като един от най-интересните рок проекти в музикалния свят през последните малко повече от 10 години. През това време проектът е подарил на феновете си 7 албума с участието на световноизвестни музиканти. И бандата изобщо не дава признаци на забавяне.
Още през 2023 г. Intelligent Music Project обяви излизането на осмия си албум „Miracles Beyond“, който ще бъде официално представен на 15 май тази година. И не е изненада, че в него отново личат имената на световни рок звезди.
Само си представете – първата песен започва с вокалите на John Payne (ex-Asia) и Carl Sentance от Nazareth, втората песен продължава с големия Joseph Williams от TOTO, а третата е представена от любимеца на продуцента Ричард Гризман – един от най-убедителните рок гласове в Обединеното кралство.
А има и още –ритъм секциятя е представена от двама музиканти, номинирани за Грами: един от най-добрите живи барабанисти на планетата Simon Phillips (TOTO, Protocol, The Who, Judas Priest) и Ernest Tibbs на бас китара.
Именно изброените музиканти поддържат високото ниво на албума от първата до последната песен.
„Албумът е посветен на свободния дух – движещата сила за прогреса на човечеството. От музикална гледна точка Miracles Beyond предлага добър пример за това как трябва да звучи една супергрупа. Страхотно е да имаме всички тези музиканти отново на в състава си. Това е 6-ият албум на Саймън Филипс с нас, 5-ият на Джон Пейн и 4-ият на Джоузеф Уилямс. Подобно звездно участие е специална привилегия за мен и отново показва, че продуктът ни е на световно ниво!“ разказва д-р Милен Врабевски, основателят, продуцент и автор на музиката и текстовете на Intelligent Music Project.
Песните в “Miracles Beyond” традиционно преливат една в друга, за да демонстрират единството на идеите. С текстове, които наблягат на теми като надеждате и безграничния потенциал на човешкия дух, „Miracles Beyond“ е повече от просто албум – той е поредният урок за живот. От чистия хард рок до вълнуващите душата балади, всяка песен в албума резонира с емоция и автентичност.
Албумът е разделен на две части: Частта на продуцента и Частта на групата.
„Щастлив съм да предложа своята визия по основната тема в албум от 1 до 11 песен. За втори път групата композира музика без мен: последните три парчета са написани от нашия китарист Бисер Иванов в партньорство с основния ни вокалист Славин Славчев и моя музикален продуцент Иво Стефанов”, допълва д-р Врабевски.
Всяка една от двете части на Miracles Beyond предлага своята интерпретация към основната тема, което несъмнено добавя дълбочина към албума, но и предоставя на слушателите динамично пътуване през различни гледни точки и музикални решения.
Един от най-впечатляващите аспекти на албума несъмнено са изпипаните до съвършенство аранжименти. Перфектно изработени, добавящи изтънченост и дълбочина към композициите, те превръщат албума в едно наистина незабравимо изживяване.
Безупречният звук на албума е допълнително подсилен от майсторското на Боб Кац, чийто опит в мастеринга е допринесъл за награда Грами на два албума.
Чуйте първия сингъл от албума, наречен „Shine for You“, за да видите музикалното пътешествие, което ви очаква.
Основни вокали: Джоузеф Уилямс, Джон Пейн, Карл Сентанс, Ричард Гризман, Славин Славчев
Беквокали: Джон Пейн, Карл Сентанс, Джоузеф Уилямс, Славин Славчев, Борислав Мудолов-Косатката
Китари: Бисер Иванов
Бас китара: Ърнест Тибс
Ударни инструменти: Саймън Филипс
Клавишни: Иво Стефанов, Ясен Велчев, Самуел Ефтимов
Оркестрациите са изпълнени от Intelligent Music Strings Orchestra и Quarto Quartet по аранжимент на Румен Бояджиев-Син
Специални благодарности на София Госпел Хор (7. Miracles Beyond)
Звуков инженер и микс: Иво Стефанов
Мастеринг: Боб Кац
Музикален продуцент: Иво Стефанов с безценния принос на Джон Пейн и Боби Рондинели
Езиков консултант: Анджела Родел, носител на международната награда „Букър“ за 2023
Графичен дизайн: Кристина Точевски
Комуникационен отдел: Александър Петров, Адриана Аврамова
Продуцент: д-р Милен Врабевски/Intelligent Music Ltd.
Music by Milen Vrabevski & Ivo Stefanov
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Vs1/ Just like thunder, through the silver rain
Hurled upon me, my own rage takes me again.
I can feel the strain of my will to face the pain,
Like a fire, it goes against the grain.
Vs2/ Is it greatness what I’m looking for?
Quietness won’t generate it. I need something more for sure.
The learning of the wise… Make it work, do not think twice.
Loving & devotion is the price.
Br1/ Saving up my power, through my burning pain.
Saving up the fire through the pouring rain again,
I can try to settle the score.
Striking when I rumble,
Sensing that I crumble
Then I sigh.
Ch/ I used to say it all seeing where I long to be.
Noble when I’m strong. Daring if brave and free!
Vs3/ In our world I bump into what’s real.
Imperfection, in the dumps. Far from ideal…
Gotta learn to live, I won’t teach you how to give.
It’s so much more, than sharing how I feel.
Br2/ Thunder spreads its power through the falling rain.
It’s like a blinding fire all around my weary brain.
Openness to changes acquired, affirming my commitment,
Throughout my mind refitment.
Why not try!
Ch/ I used to say it all seeing where I long to be.
Noble when I’m strong. Daring if brave and free!
MidPart/ I never know if I can say forevermore.
And will it show if new beliefs define the final score!
The learning of the wise… Make it work, do not think twice.
Loving & devotion is the price.
Ch/ I used to say it all seeing where I long to be.
Noble when I’m strong. Daring if brave and free!
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: John Payne, Carl Sentance
Ch/ Many days are rolling, I’ve lost my sense of time.
I’m living to resist my falling. Up and up I climb…
Vs1/ I let it slip away, though I tried a thousand visions.
What is left to say? I’m rolling down the line.
My ambition failed, it leaves me no decision.
Worry tips the scales … Yet, I feel so fine.
Ch/ Many days are rolling, I’ve lost my sense of time.
I’m living to resist my falling. Up and up I climb…
Vs2/ Chasing shady dreams won’t give me my rhythm.
A surface that makes sense, but underneath’s a lie.
I tell my truths so loud and clear, but so much dirt is in them,
Broken dreams run through. Don’t hear what comes by…
Ch/ Many days are rolling I’ve lost my sense of time.
I’m living to resist my falling. Up and up I climb…
MidPart 1/ I know what I dreamt of could win me the key,
The future of all held inside.
You know all it takes is the love you find.
You’ve captured the soul of what’s right…
Vs3/ My own judgement counts, crossing many rivers.
Losing sight of right makes me false inside.
Will our caring save the truth my own pride delivers?
I sense the real me, even in bad times.
Ch/ Many days are rolling, I’ve lost my sense of time.
I’m living to resist my falling. Up and up I climb…
Many days are rolling, I’ve lost my sense of time.
Many leaves kept falling round in circles in my life…
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Joseph Williams
From the author:
This is a song about the various paths in life, that lead to either joy or frustration, but the love remains all the way through. It gives motivation to keep your head above the water, while your values and beliefs very often crash in reality. Life gradually passes by, but you’re actively involved in it. Finally, your truths might be contradictory, your visions often changing, but the affection sincerely spread out adds more meaning to your existence.
Vs1/ I used to sit around, and quietly wait…
So I was tightly bound to unexpected fate.
My visions cropping up create no deeds.
Do I see where they lead?
Vs2/ If my own prejudice, I put aside,
Then life will sweep me up to make you feel alright.
And you’re inspired to believe in you.
To dream, learn, act, feel, too…
Ch/ It’s you. The brand-new start to one whole life.
It’s true: you really lived if what you did
Can’t be repaid, you don’t expect it to… For you…
Vs3/ Among all my old friends, who wish me well,
I just compare myself to what I was, and no one else.
And then caressing those black cats in life, you see how I arrive.
Ch/ It’s you. The brand-new start to one whole life.
It’s true: you really lived if what you did
Can’t be repaid, you don’t expect it to… For you…
MidPart 1/ Believing all, I’m rushing in
To find myself a shelter.
Forgetting all our vanity and sobered up on faith.
Ch/ It’s you. The brand-new start to one whole life.
It’s true: you really lived if what you did
Can’t be repaid, you don’t expect it to… For you…
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Richard Grisman, John Payne
Preamble/ The road is long, and while on it
I hardly see what life’s about.
I guess I’d rather rearrange my doubts.
And finally, it doesn’t seem,
I’ll miss the light; it’s all a dream.
I say it’s alright, but where’s the bright side?
Vs1/ I see you’ve spent time hanging with them,
All those defining, correcting, and preaching…
Those useless morons just bang the same drum.
You won’t see them plough, they’re teaching and teaching…
Ch/ I’m here to say, I’ll get my way
and climb up high above what’s real.
Enrich the world while standing at the wheel…!
Vs2/ So laugh at bad luck, you’re acting your best.
No daily winner, outrunning the rest, no!
Awaken your heart to crave flying high.
Inspiring that in everyone nearby.
Ch/ I’m here to say, I’ll get my way
and climb up high above what’s real.
Enrich the world while standing at the wheel…!
My goal is clear, I only listen to my heart. That’s paramount.
For life is now, I make my moment count!
Preamble/ And finally, it doesn’t seem,
I’ll miss the light; it’s all a dream.
I say it’s alright, but where’s the bright side?
Ch/ I’m here to say, I’ll get my way
and climb up high above what’s real.
Enrich the world while standing at the wheel…!
My goal is clear, I only listen to my heart. That’s paramount.
For life is now, I make my moment count!
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Richard Grisman
Vs1/ I am raising a point right now: Was my love so real?
Does it really bring the truth to me? Do I get what I feel?
Vs2/ What I need is more light than heat. There is so much to heal.
Dedication will bring me to my feet. I’m doing this deal.
Br1/ Many fears to handle… Or I got to lay low?
Either way, there are so many miles to go.
Ch/ I’m expecting you.
And I count each and every minute.
Pushing fate like I do.
While I’m going through the changes in it.
Vs3 / See the kids how they listen with their eyes.
I give examples to view.
It’s so much better than talking ‘bout your price.
No instruction will do.
Br2/ Many times I wonder why there’s no one around.
Followers are missing (solid ground), am I on solid ground…?
Ch/ I’m expecting you.
And I count each and every minute.
Pushing fate like I do.
While I’m going through the changes in it.
MidPart/ Yet, I make it on my own,
through my sham courage lonely…,
Leaving legacy that’s grown
from open doors and virtues only?
Ch/ I’m expecting you.
And I count each and every minute.
Pushing fate like I do.
While I’m going through the changes in it.
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Carl Sentance
Vs1/ Like a guardian angel above me
Whirls of wonder rushing in, keep on floating down that stream.
Suddenly, back on my feet, I am falling in too deep.
In possession of a world of need.
Br1/ On the way, it’s always me who outruns myself.
It changed my day, set me free, the miracle’s in me.
Ch/ I lay, I lay on one side, miracles beyond
What I am and how I got here leads me on.
Vs2/ What is there to speak of? I just teach.
I won’t move a mountain, though, but your feelings while I preach…
Learning after knowing all… Is it wisdom that won’t do?
Either way, I’m always there for you.
Br2/ Everyday victory is no game for myself.
Who I outplay is a mystery. I put them on the shelf.
Ch/ I lay, I lay on one side, miracles beyond
What I am and how I got here leads me on.
MidPart/ Is it weird now I feel the rhythm,
Of my soul strings and drums and song…? (2)
Ch/ I lay, I lay on one side, miracles beyond
What I am and how I got here leads me on.
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Richard Grisman feat. Sofia Gospel Choir
From the author:
This is a song about a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It explores themes of inner strength, overcoming challenges, and finding meaning in life’s experiences. The lyrics depict the speaker’s realization of their own abilities and the miracles that lie within themselves. The song is recorded with live Strings Orchestra and a Gospel Choir.
Vs1/ You got time to play. You won’t waste a calling…
Breaking down won’t spoil your day. Love is in your eyes!
Nothing stalls your life, as you judge nobody.
Criticism’s not your drive ‘cause you’ve read the signs…
Ch/ Then you knew you were well on your way,
When the going became truly painful.
What you went through is a part of the play,
Where your every role seemed so rightful.
Vs2/ You have been denied many things in no time.
You won’t chase what you don’t have.
You’re the better half!
All of life’s mishaps you endure with grace now.
Dignity holds up your pride. You let grieving ride…
Ch/ Then you knew you were well on your way,
When the going became truly painful.
What you went through is a part of the play,
Where your every role seemed so rightful.
MidPart1/ I can feel you smile again,
see your eyes – a gleam of paradise.
The sense of humour you retain…
A moment I will memorize.
MidPart2/ You keep your face towards the sun,
Throughout what is said and done.
You walk along the road of learning. Keep confirming,
You have won…!
Ch/ Then you knew you were well on your way,
When the going became truly painful.
What you went through is a part of the play,
Where your every role seemed so rightful.
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Carl Sentence, Slavin Slavchev, John Payne
Vs1/ Any dream, maybe just passing while you sleep.
Down that stream, I feel the arrow’s in too deep.
Br1/ And it’s right here where I stand.
I’ve found my dearest wish is hard to understand.
Anyway, I’m simply calling.
And just let it echo on…
Ch/ I move along, and indeed, I’m strong,
And longing to fight… And here I go, I’m living through pain again.
I may be wrong… I won’t wait too long. I’m torn up inside.
But sure, I find it hard to scrape along!
Vs2/ My success is just a journey, not a goal.
I possess, just my own outlook through it all.
Br2/ I see it forms my outcomes,
My values, principles… The source that it becomes,
Configures my own attitude.
And through integrity, uniqueness is subdued…
Ch/ I move along, and indeed, I’m strong,
And longing to fight… And here I go, I’m living through pain again.
I may be wrong… I won’t wait too long. I’m torn up inside.
But sure, I find it hard to scrape along!
MidPart/ Many years of travel is the essence of my route.
And I’m sure I’m holding on…
Looking for the marvel, through the thick and thin I’m drawn.
But my hesitation’s gone.
Ch/ I move along, and indeed, I’m strong,
And longing to fight… And here I go, I’m living through pain again.
I may be wrong… I won’t wait too long. I’m torn up inside.
But sure, I find it hard to scrape along!
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Richard Grisman
Vs1/ And I pleaded my own damn cause,
With the chattering crowd
Will it take me a lifetime I ask myself?
Doubts are not allowed.
SubCh/ Need the right guys to find the right fate…?
This world is just fine without you.
The living example of making the grade…
Where are you?
Ch/ Right I said, I take it all.
I so need something to believe in.
The light I shed I stood up for.
The world needs something more!
Vs2/ The goals are clearer within a soul,
Devotion and passion run through.
But you keep raising the bar of your mission here,
The hopes, ambitions in you.
SubCh/ What is your aim? Changing the world?
Let me suggest just one thing:
Changing yourself won’t make your lips curl.
Spread your wings!
Ch/ Right I said, I take it all.
I so need something to believe in.
The light I shed I stood up for.
The world needs something more!
MidPart/ And you ain’t got no followers?
It is easy to stand with the crowd.
It takes courage to stand alone and go on.
Showing you really care for all those around.
Ch/ Right I said, I take it all. I so need something to believe in.
The light I shed I stood up for. The world needs something more!
SubCh/ What is your aim? Changing the world?
Let me suggest just one thing:
Changing yourself won’t make your lips curl. Spread your wings!
Ch/ Right I said, I take it all. I so need something to believe in.
The light I shed I stood up for. The world needs something more!
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Carl Sentence
Vs1/ Is it all a foolish game
Or a cry I keep well-hidden,
Waves caressing purple flames,
A dream forbidden?
Vs2/ Burning skies of a new day
Мy soul cries out, again with longing.
In the fading light of May
I feel the warming.
Ch/ And in an instant I have faith in love anew
And my heart overflows, a blossom sparkling with fresh dew
And out of love’s hot embers sparks the truth
That tunes your pulse to a new rhythm.
Vs3/ And there is something hidden deep
Within my smile… and now I feel it:
I have made my choice at last,
I’ll reveal it!
Vs4/ And beauty is just all I see
In ev’rything and all around me
Filling me with strong belief
Love is to be!
Ch/ And in an instant I have faith in love anew
And my heart overflows, a blossom sparkling with fresh dew
And out of love’s hot embers sparks the truth
That tunes your pulse to a new rhythm.
Final: And out of love’s hot embers sparks the truth
It’s burning in my heart for you!
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement by Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Lead vocals: Richard Grisman
Vs1/Bridges we’ve built falling down.
There’s nothing left in this crazy old town.
Bright lights burning, warm hearts turning cold.
Is this the road to the unknown?
Ch/As we’re making our way through the fire,
I’m counting on you to survive.
Yeah, I need you with me in this fight, Cause I know
A new day is coming, as long as we live through the night.
No point in running, I know you and me we will find a new day.
Vs2/ Memories of home are so clear.
I hear a call and they quickly disappear.
And through the ashes, on the horizon
Oh, I swear, I see the dawn!
Ch/As we’re making our way through the fire,
I’m counting on you to survive.
Yeah, I need you with me in this fight, Cause I know
A new day is coming, as long as we live through the night.
No point in running, I know you and me we will find a new day.
Music by Biser Ivanov
Arrangement: Biser Ivanov
Lyrics and vocals by Slavin Slavchev
Vs1/ Young days and crystal mornings,
Bright lights shine across the sun.
Another faithful yearning
Calls out to you with careful words.
Ch/ Walls around you
Defining boundaries between you and your desires
You try to peek through all those
Walls around you
A private hell you’ve built and defined
Is where you belong tonight.
Vs2/ Blind thoughts and distant memories
Sift through the fog inside your mind.
No voice of reason can be heard.
Just screams of feelings undefined.
Ch/ Walls around you
Defining boundaries between you and your desires
You try to peek through all those
Walls around you
A private hell you’ve built and defined
Is where you belong tonight.
MidPart / Release the chains that bind you
And let your true self be revealed
The fire that burns inside you
The ancient wisdom that’s concealed.
Step outside your ruined fortress
Into the light of dreams you’ve always known
Soar above the echoes of the past!
Hope and grace in your destiny’s divine embrace!
Embrace the power that lies deep inside.
Your mind, your shield, your heart is healed.
Ch/No more walls around you
Defining boundaries between you and your desires
Transcending far beyond those
Walls around you
You swing your wings and aim for the sky
That’s where you belong tonight.
Music by Biser Ivanov
Arrangement: Biser Ivanov
Lyrics and vocals by Slavin Slavchev
Vs1/ Whatever the troubles that your life may send your way,
Remember that I’ll be there to restore your faith.
Pre-chorus/ I’ll be there,
In this prison of darkness,
I’ll be the guiding light.
And I’ll shine for you.
Chorus/ I won’t let you fall.
Cause I will try for you, yeah, cry for you.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
Pushing through the storm,
Yeah, I’ll defy for you, I’ll die for you.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
Vs2/ The chaos is leading you to a world where there’s no escape,
But follow my voice and we’ll find a peaceful land.
Pre-chorus/ I’ll be there,
In the prison of darkness,
I’ll be the guiding light.
And I’ll shine for you.
Chorus/ I won’t let you fall.
Cause I will try for you, yeah, cry for you.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
Pushing through the storm,
Yeah, I’ll defy for you, I’ll die for you.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
Bridge/ I will never lose my faith in you. (x2)
Pre-chorus/ I’ll be there,
In the prison of darkness,
I’ll be the guiding light.
And I’ll shine for you.
Chorus/ I won’t let you fall.
Cause I will try for you, yeah, cry for you.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
Pushing through the storm,
Yeah, I’ll defy for you, I’ll die for you.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
You won’t have to crawl this time.
Music by Biser Ivanov, Slavin Slavchev
Arrangement: Biser Ivanov
Lyrics and vocals by Slavin Slavchev