Българската рок група Intelligent Music Project ще издаде през юли своя седми пореден студиен албум, който ще носи името “Unconditioned” (бълг. Безусловен).
Като барабанист и музикален копродуцент на новия албум се завръща легендарният Саймън Филипс (TOTO, Protocol), а основният вокалист и в този албум ще бъде едно от най-популярните имена в рок музиката днес Рони Ромеро (Rainbow, MSG). Това ще бъде третият албум на Ромеро с Intelligent Music Project, а в него групата за пръв път излиза от досегашната си композиционна схема – две от песните са дело изцяло на Рони, Бисер Иванов и Иво Стефанов. За пръв път в „Unconditioned“ вокалистът на групата показва и своите качества на текстописец, написвайки текстовете именно към тези две песни. Всички останали произведения и текстове отново са дело на създателя и продуцент на Intelligent Music Project д-р Милен Врабевски.
По повод 10-годишнината от излизането на първия албум на групата “The Power Of Mind” и по негово подобие, и седмият албум се открива и закрива с инструментална част, написана от д-р Милен Врабевски в съавторство с Бисер Иванов и Иво Стефанов.
„Unconditioned“ (бълг. Безусловен) е албум, посветен на безусловната обич като решаващ фактор за нормализацията на съвремието ни. Тази обич трябва да е насочена най-вече към нашите деца, защото именно те са бъдещето, а ние сме тези, които трябва да ги напътстваме и възпитаваме да взимат смели решения и да живеят за хората около себе си. Само с повече такива хора светът ще стане по-добър“, споделя за албума д-р Врабевски.
Част от „Unconditioned“ ще бъде и „Intention“, с която групата представи България на Евровизия 2022 в Торино. Освен конкурсната версия обаче в албума ще бъде включен и оригиналният, по-дълъг вариант на песента, който следва характерния мелодичен прогресив стил на Intelligent Music Project, както и караоке версия.
“Intention” беше първият сингъл от новия седми албум на Intelligent Music Project, който до момента има по над 1000 000 гледания и слушания в YouTube и Spotify. Песента поставя въпроса за личната вътрешна борба на всеки човек с остарелите модели за вяра и поведение, които го дърпат назад. Още от заглавието, авторът подчертава простичкия факт, че никога не е късно да тръгнеш по правилния път – пътят на собственото си израстване, на достойното съществуване и живота с мисия, призовавайки да загърбим егото, себичността и консуматорския подход към живота, а вместо това да живеем за хората около себе си.
„Намирането на правилния път обаче, често се превръща в битка със самия себе си и за да настъпи промяната, е нужно сериозно намерение!“, допълва авторът на музиката и текста на “Intention” д-р Милен Врабевски.
Вторият сингъл от албума излезе в началото на май – New Hero. Песента беше придружена с впечатляващ видеоклип, пресъздаващ военна обстановка, където в подкрепа на идеята за албума, основни действащи лица са децата. В сюжета на видеото именно те се оказват смелите герои, които довеждат промяната.
„Ефективното действие в настоящето, независимо от трудностите, е ключът към прогреса. Важно е да знаем, че с красиви приказки нищо не е постигнато. Лесно е да стоиш безмълвен и да изпълняваш каквото ти се казва. По-трудното, но единственото ефективно е човек да има собствено мнение, собствен метод на съпротива към несправедливостта, макар и често в самота и неразбиране“, разказва д-р Врабевски.
Освен Саймън Филипс и Рони Ромеро, в записите на албума участват още Карл Сентанс (Назарет), Славин Славчев, Лина Никол и Борислав Мудолов-Косатката като беквокалисти, Димитър Сираков на бас китара, Самуел Ефтимов – пиано, Иво Стефанов – клавир и Бисер Иванов на китара.
Албумът излезе на 27 юли, в деня на сватбата на Рони Ромеро и румънския модел Корина Минда, където кумове бяха сем. Врабевски.
Поръчка може да направите на www.intelligent-music.com.
And I can move on from here
How simple: life goes on
Humble – that’s how I feel
Sparking hot flames, holding on.
Vs2/ Younger days run so clear
Through my mind, replaying my crime
Tearing me up, spreading fear
Obsession in my own time.
Br/ What life’s taken away, I’m not missing
Will I sit back and sigh?
A thunder of thoughts, I’m dismissing
Too scared to even try…
Ch/ And in time I’ve always known
I’m never in the safety zone
I took the fight, but was I right?
They were sending me to war…
Vs3/ My intention is strong and real
Only power steels my will.
The illusion of safety’s surreal
Don’t let it go for the kill!
Br/ What life’s taken away, I’m not missing
Will I sit back and sigh?
A thunder of thoughts, I’m dismissing
Too scared to even try…
Ch/ And in time I’ve always known
I’m never in the safety zone
I took the fight, but was I right?
They were sending me to war…
Midpart/ I don’t want to take on the pain
So, I go seek inner signs, or a calling
The more freedom I gain
The less real life I’m recalling.
Ch/ And in time I’ve always known
I’m never in the safety zone
I took the fight, but was I right?
They were sending me to war…
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Anything you dream, everything you want
All the ways you walked, a purpose on their own…
Fill your mind with hope, fuel your heart with love
The key to open any door.
Step on the bright side, fear’s a state of mind
Come down to Sunshine Boulevard
Follow the guiding light, I tell you it’ll be alright
Come down to Sunshine Boulevard.
Every step you take, leads you to the edge
Follow what you feel, it is no mistake
Passion is in our souls, turns on our inner glow
Magic will shine after all
Step onto the bright side, fear’s a state of mind
Come down to Sunshine Boulevard
Follow the guiding light, I tell you it will be alright
Come down to Sunshine Boulevard.
And the love you carry inside, a treasure in your eyes,
Wherever you go …
Step onto the bright side, fear’s a state of mind
Come down to Sunshine Boulevard
Follow the guiding light, I tell you it will be alright
Come down to Sunshine Boulevard.
Music by Biser Ivanov, Ivo Stefanov, Ronnie Romero
Lyrics: Ronnie Romero
Arrangement: Biser Ivanov, Ivo Stefanov, Ronnie Romero
Lyrics: Ronnie Romero
Vs 1/
Hey, how are you? Have you ever felt the morning silence,
Share what is true, what it tells about tomorrow
Here again your soul can borrow –
Any time will do.
A guilty heart keeps burning through that
Borrowed time for you…
Vs 2/
Say, is it true? Your own truth in troubled times is guidance
When it won’t do to forget about the sorrow…
Here again your soul can borrow –
Any time will do.
A guilty heart keeps burning through that
Borrowed time for you…
Mid-Part/ And you seem to notice, trying to find the real You,
Passion’s what you really promise to yourself, in anything you do.
And for you the bliss runs through, to show you’ve gone that far…
Yes, indeed, things are what they are.
Vs 3/ Hey, what to do? Your own life’s the place to make things happen
See me, see me through. An authentic life’s an arrow…
Here again your soul can borrow –
Any time will do.
A guilty heart keeps burning through that
Borrowed time for you…
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Trying to define my blue morning
Hoping it makes my whole day.
I’m looking to find a way, and without warning
Stories are losing their say.
And I am fine with restoring
My rights to face the bright sun.
The dark is the flip side of my life’s story
But light can be second to none.
Br/ You may know you’ve hit your prime
When you see the blues run over
Through senseless stretches of your time
All by ego’s orders.
Ch/ Slipping, rolling throughout a blue morning
Giving the feel of all day.
No more crawling, I’m facing my dawning
I’m bridging the gaps all the way.
Vs3/ I’ve tried showing off with my knowing
Trying to teach them what’s right
I embraced the warmth of two souls glowing
New meanings shine through in my sight.
Br/ You may know you’ve hit your prime
When you see the blues run over
Through senseless stretches of your time
All by ego’s orders.
Ch/ Slipping, rolling throughout a blue morning
Giving the feel of all day.
No more crawling, I’m facing my dawning
I’m bridging the gaps all the way.
Midpart1/ A thrill, tonight, I feel it take me over
The wheel of life
It stays and casts a spell on me
Midpart2/ There’s this kind of singalong in it
On the edge, no fear, just sky
Мake your move, don’t waste any minute
It may be your chance to fly
Ch/ Slipping, rolling throughout a blue morning
Giving the feel of all day.
No more crawling, I’m facing my dawning
I’m bridging the gaps all the way.
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
So, I opened my eyes and knew
My mind is set on you
What I expect, what I figure is true
So, I opened my eyes for you…
You’ve really moved on. The fear’s gone.
Memories in time come back to you.
The melody is strong, as you play it now
Like it was your own.
Vs 1/
You just needed this time to define
You were led down ahead through this moment
When you feel you’re away / with no reason to stay
And you find it hard to comment…
Life is so concise, you see the price
That you’re bound to pay each & every minute
But deep within your eyes, you grow and rise
The closure of an oath, the fiction, as you see it now.
Vs 2/
You were bleeding, but you were alive
Aiming to learn falling down is no failure,
Being hurt is no reason, through the dirt and the treason
To assume this is your life’s trailer…
Life is so concise, you see the price
That you’re bound to pay each & every minute
But deep within your eyes, you grow and rise
The closure of an oath, the fiction, as you see it now.
Midpart (Pr.1 Reprise)/
So, I opened my eyes and knew
My mind is set on you
What I expect, what I figure is true
So, I opened my eyes for you…
Life is so concise, you see the price
That you’re bound to pay each & every minute
But deep within your eyes, you grow and rise
The closure of an oath, the fiction, as you see it now.
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
I gotta face it, oh, Lord, I gotta face it
The trickiest plunder of all
Yes, indeed, I rob myself, I get it…
I don’t like confessions at all.
The light in tunnels, oh, calls me like a beacon
My happiness is the control
Over my desires, and makes me weaken,
With no expectations at all…
See how it looks, plans go down again
Look how we fill in the sight
Then I check out all the noisy big names
They’re no longer my ride.
Yes, I try to make it work
Try again, fix it, then deliver it
And throughout that crazy blur
My so-called faith is at the heart of it
And I see it, oh, and I try to take it
The long ride to happiness shows
Hopes and fears ain’t the present, get it
I’m focused on that simple prose
See how it looks, plans go down again
Look how we fill in the sight
Then I check out all the noisy big names
They’re no longer my ride.
Yes, I try to make it work
Try again, fix it, then deliver it
And throughout that crazy blur
My so-called faith is at the heart of it
Ah, take me down to a profane profile
Ah, take me straight to the best-laid plans now.
And I will head down to that real long ride
Playing fair … That’s my share.
See how it looks, plans go down again
Look how we fill in the sight
Then I check out all the noisy big names
They’re no longer my ride.
Yes, I try to make it work
Try again, fix it, then deliver it
And throughout that crazy blur
My so-called faith is at the heart of it
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
If you can’t go ahead, can’t get it out of your head,
And the rest is silence…
And you can’t see a sign, and you’re out of your mind
There’s this truth you find…
If you stand in their shoes, problems stay on the lоose
See the way you’re driven.
You are left with the scraps of your trampled-on pride.
But that’s just one side…
So, you’re longing to pray, trying to save the tears
You were hoping to say: ‘I’m here to cease all fears…’
Ch/ And you can do something
In this state of mind. Any time you can hear this call
It’s getting easy to find
This little piece of madness in your eyes up here…
Casting smiles through all your fears.
If up against the ropes, you won’t give up your hopes
But you can’t express them.
While what others might hear when their comfort is clear
Is what will impress them…!
So, you’re longing to pray, trying to save the tears
You were hoping to say: ‘I’m here to cease all fears…’
Ch/ And you can do something
In this state of mind. Any time you can hear this call
It’s getting easy to find
This little piece of madness in your eyes up here…
Casting smiles through all your fears.
Midpart I/
I’ve made up my mind. Although it’s hard to decide, I won’t linger.
The meanings I find beyond what I can touch with my fingers…
Midpart II/
Trying to feel the love that is so inviting…
Looking at the stars I was thinking of.
Yeah, they are so far, yet their light is guiding
And you’re guided from above…
So, you’re longing to pray, trying to save the tears
You were hoping to say: ‘I’m here to cease all fears…’
Ch/ And you can do something
In this state of mind. Any time you can hear this call
It’s getting easy to find
This little piece of madness in your eyes up here…
Casting smiles through all your fears.
You’ve been trying through all those years
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
I am a dreamer, nobody told me I was wrong.
Need to believe it, then I move on (I can’t fly alone).
Always looking for your love,
With no fear of failing.
Life is more than just one try, what if you fly?
Destiny is calling, are you prepared to walk that way?
taking our chances, this is our time.
Searching for a reason why,
But it was there,
Just to face it and look up, the brighter sky.
And the stars never fall, they keep shining for you
Do you want to know how we can get that far?
Cause it’s our destiny, it’s the only way for us
Just believe this is our chance…and the stars never fall.
And the stars never fall, they keep shining for you
Do you want to know how we can get that far?
Cause it’s our destiny, it’s the only way for us
Just believe this is our chance…and the stars never fall.
Music by Biser Ivanov, Ivo Stefanov, Ronnie Romero
Lyrics: Ronnie Romero
Arrangement: Biser Ivanov, Ivo Stefanov, Ronnie Romero
Lyrics: Ronnie Romero
Do we need ‘before’ to last a lifetime?
Would I ask for more in a better world?
I kept my flags unfurled.
My ship was blown ashore, by a siren’s song,
To my next compromise…,
Just a conformist, with another set of lies.
I hide my spirit away. Am I hiding myself at all?
Was there so much to say, while praying? A confession to free my soul…
Did I love myself the one I seemed to be
As time was passing by I found my pride
Would put me on my knees.
It turns me upside down. Would I agree?
I hoped you all could see
my concept of life… I’m alive!
I hide my spirit away. Am I hiding myself at all?
Was there so much to say, while praying? A confession to free my soul…
‘Boring’, so I was thinking. ‘I’m feeding my demons’ soul’.
Yet, it is hope I’m bringing, and the demons look so small…
I hide my spirit away. Am I hiding myself at all?
Was there so much to say, while praying? A confession to free my soul…
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
The night’s voices enlighten me…
The right choices to let me be…
In the course of time something’s always striking me…
What I’ve got to prove lies there in my sight.
Holding back its meaning my life’s no jeopardy.
And again I’m blown by winds of the night.
Late in the night the Inner Me is calling…
Late in the night a chance to set me free.
Nothing feels right until my life’s recalling
The love that created me…
Deeper into life, my pulse keeps directing me
It reveals my own truth my own birthright…
A dominating falsehood has always affected me
Yet, I find my way through late every night.
Late in the night the Inner Me is calling…
Late in the night a chance to set me free.
Nothing feels right until my life’s recalling
The love that created me…
It’s my magic at night, when I’m still on the run
Chasing doubts, I see beauty can’t be undone.
A desire to explore, with no fear of heights
That’s what I get all night!
The night’s voices enlighten me…
The right choices to let me be…
Late in the night the Inner Me is calling…
Late in the night a chance to set me free.
Nothing feels right until my life’s recalling
The love that created me…
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov
Always the captain on board
Trying to fix every wasted hour
Counting up what you scored
But often the taste is so sour.
Accustomed to life in a box
Tryin’ to enjoy every single flower
You rush with the winds in your locks
Climbing the playground towers…
You can play the brand-new hero,
Doubts can make your dreams be gone,
You can taste the bitterness of sorrow
But your dignity has won.
You may be missing all the answers,
But as time goes by, you know,
That the words may be an inspiration
But the action makes the show.
Your goal is to master your views.
It’s easy to stand with the crowd, in silence…
The art’s in the state that you choose:
Standing alone there for hours…
You can play the brand-new hero,
Doubts can make your dreams be gone,
You can taste the bitterness of sorrow
But your dignity has won.
You may be missing all the answers,
But as time goes by, you know,
That the words may be an inspiration
But the action makes the show.
Heaven’s untouched. Although they tried…
Life is no better by chance, but by change, is it right?
You can play the brand-new hero,
Doubts can make your dreams be gone,
You can taste the bitterness of sorrow
But your dignity has won.
You may be missing all the answers,
But as time goes by, you know,
That the words may be an inspiration
But the action makes the show.
Music and lyrics by Milen Vrabevski, MD
Arrangement: Milen Vrabevski, MD, Ivo Stefanov, Biser Ivanov